Embark on thrilling literary adventures through time and space with the captivating narratives of Urban Fantasy, Neo-Vintage Science-Fiction, and more!
Urban Fantasy | Retro-Fiction | 1940s Setting
Need Beta ReadersNeo-Vintage Science-Fiction | Space Opera | Alternative History
$40.00Neo-Vintage Science-Fiction | Space Opera | Alternative History
$40.00Neo-Vintage Science-Fiction | Space Opera | Alternative History
$need Beta ReadersI am seeking Beta Readers for several of my upcoming works, including "The Reasoning and OSA Book 1: Stars in the Way" and the subsequent volumes in the OSA series, Books 2 and 3. Additionally, I am in need of Beta Readers for "Between Us" and "Genesis Lies with Destiny: The Quiet Unfolding." If you are interested in participating, please specify the title you wish to beta read in the subject line of your email to Spaceranger@mailfence.com.
As a Beta Reader, you would receive a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and a selection of chapters to review. Since I often utilize a narrative "bible" to maintain consistency in my long-form narratives and complex characters, you may also be provided with a copy of this resource for reference. Your feedback is invaluable in helping me refine my writing and potentially reach a wider audience or achieve financial stability, allowing us to move beyond the constraints of a typical 9-to-5 workday.
I am particularly appreciative of those who are proficient speed readers, as this will greatly expedite the feedback process. Although I currently face financial limitations, the joy of sharing original content and collaborating with enthusiastic readers is a reward in itself. If you are keen on discovering new stories and assisting in the development of engaging literature, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I am known to be quite prone to typos, so your keen eye will be essential in ensuring the highest quality for our shared literary endeavor.